Weddings Postponement Tips

Hello everyone,

Sharon here from Celtic Knot Weddings and Events, I hope you are safe and well!

Today I would like to offer some tips and tricks on wedding postponements due to our currentcrisis Covid19. The Coronavirus has lots of people feeling anxious and worried, it really is unchartered territory for all of us. As the world faces a global pandemic, we stand in unison together to fight this, although we may be apart, we are not alone.

Please know that If you have decided to postpone your Wedding then you have made the right decision even though it is heartbreaking and stressful, “remember that your love for each other will be stronger than ever once this is over and you will celebrate your special day surrounded by the people you love, it will be even more special and you can have one hell of a PARTY”!!



Yes, it is a very stressful time but try to remain calm, if you are finding it a bit too difficult to deal with take a step back have a date night, talk to your partner, you can still have your wedding day just on another date.


If you are due to get married soon contact your wedding venue or your wedding planner if you haven’t done so already. Agree on and set a new date.

  1. Make a list of all the wedding suppliers involved in your wedding and contact them.
  2. If you are rescheduling your ceremony for a later date, your solemniser should be your first call & email, to ensure they are available on that date to make your marriage legal.
  3. Check if they have availability for your new date and book, deposits will normally just transfer over to the new date.
  4. If your chosen supplier is not available Do Not Panic! Suppliers usually have a list of recommended suppliers in their area of expertise. If not, you can contact myself at [email protected]
  5. After speaking with suppliers and if the new arrangement was agreed over the phone, I would follow up with an email straight away to confirm the new date, deposit/payment details, confirmation on new venue if changed, and ask them to confirm this arrangement via email.
  6. It is very important to keep a written record of all communications between yourself and your wedding supplier to avoid unnecessary miscommunications, as your wedding will not be the only one, they are managing. Also, on the email subject line type your names, new wedding date and venue.

This information only applies to couples getting married in Ireland.

  1. We have been advised by them that, if you already have your marriage notification appointment, and received your marriage license, but now need to change your date, you will have to reapply, but you will not be charged the statutory fee of €200 again.
  2. If you do not have a marriage notification appointment the HSE have said there are currently no appointments as all applications now need to be submitted via postal application due to Covid 19. Please contact your local office via phone for confirmation as the information may change due to on-going updates regarding Covid 19.

Make a list of all the people you have asked to help with your wedding and update them as soon as the new date is confirmed.

  1. Draft an email (bcc all guests so you can submit a group message rather than individual to save time) or a group text message and send to all of your guests.
  2. Include all of the relevant information they may need, new date, venue, times, etc.
  3. If they are travelling from another country or county advise them to contact their accommodation provider immediately to book for the new date.
  4. Another tip to pop into your message is saying to your guests “We may not be able to respond immediately but we will respond soon”
  5. List your message in bullet points and make it as informative as possible for your guests as this will avoid a huge amount of back and forth.

If you have a destination wedding coming up in the next couple of months

I have been speaking to an Italian wedding planner who has advised all wedding suppliers are making every effort to reschedule weddings for next year and there will be no price increases.

  1. I would recommend contacting and keeping in touch with your venue and wedding planner, discussing the situation and how to proceed as each country will be at a different level of this pandemic.
  2. You should have received a message from your airlines where you may be given the option to request a refund, rebook or re-route your journey. You should check online with the airline you are flying with for confirmation on procedure.
  3. Follow the latest travel advice from the Department of Foreign affairs.

Wedding insurance will cover loss or damage because of unforeseen circumstances such as fire damage to the weddings dress, lost rings and unavoidable cancellations due to problems with venues and suppliers. However, insurance companies are now updating their policies due to the coronavirus pandemic advising from the 10th of March 2020 they no longer cover Covid 19. If you have wedding insurance, I would still contact your insurance company for confirmation. I always highly recommend to all couples to get wedding insurance to cover any unforeseen circumstances, it is not expensive and you are covered if something does arise.


As mentioned above under destination weddings

  1. Check to see if there is a message from the airline you are travelling with or contact airline or travel agent to discuss your options, and review your travel insurance to see what is included in your policy.
  2. Contact your Honeymoon venue.
  3. Follow the latest travel advice from the Department of Foreign affairs.


This is a scary and uncertain time for all of us please know that you are not alone in this, talk to your partner about your concerns. Look at the bigger picture once you and your loved ones are safe and healthy that is all that matters. Take the time out to look after yourself with healthy eating, walks if you can, talk to friends and family via video chat or phone, send letters to your loved ones. Take a breath because when this is all over you can have the biggest celebration and you will cherish it even more.

Take care stay safe and well.

Virtual hugs to you all
Sharon x 
Celtic Knot Weddings and Events